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Our Books

Praying with the Torah

Praying with the Torah presents prayer in a way unlike anything else. Rather than leading readers in reiterating scripted prayers, this book explores how the Bible presents prayer, in both positive and negative perspectives. If you’re searching for a comprehensive look at the way the Bible presents how to pray—and if you want to learn from the earliest followers of God how the practice of prayer is intended to be used— then you’ll treasure Praying with the Torah as an essential resource. This book is the first installment of the Praying with the Bible Series by R.A. Sweeney

Prayers from the Time of Jesus

In the period surrounding the time when Jesus walked the earth, the followers of God prayed in a variety of ways. Among those ways was a collection of scripted prayers they recited throughout the day, in specific circumstances, and in diverse activities. These prayers were beautiful and poetic. They demonstrated a passion for the Scriptures and intimacy with them, as the prayers were clearly inspired by specific passages of God’s words.

Prayers from the Time of Jesus presents these Hebrew and Greek prayers, along with the passages of Scripture that inspired them. R.A. Sweeney translated the Scriptures as close to a word-for-word definitional translation as possible. But for the prayers, he took more liberty with word choice to capture the feelings, emotions, and connotational range that the prayers and inspiring Scriptures communicate.

As passionate Wyoming outdoor enthusiasts, Sweeney and Aivazian set these prayers against a backdrop of Wyoming landscapes. The beauty of the Wyoming outdoors provides the perfect compliment to God’s word, adding stunning visual demonstration to the captivating literary beauty of the text.

The Shoot of Jesse

For hundreds of years, the followers of Jesus throughout the world have celebrated Christmas and the Advent season with a Jesse Tree. This tradition walks through the story of the Messiah, from creation through resurrection. The Shoot of Jesse brings the whole tradition into a single collection.

As the nation of Israel crumbled under the weight of their own sin, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah that He would, one day, send a new and better King David, to rule the world in righteousness. The Shoot of Jesse tells the story of God creating Adam as the king of all creation, Adam’s abdication of his crown, and God’s long-term mission to reestablish a righteous king of creation. The story is presented in daily increments, from December 1st through December 25th. Each day tells a piece of the story, drawing closer to Jesus’s enthronement as King of all creation as Christmas draws closer.

Each day presents a piece of the narrative, summarized in language for both children and adults (adult discretion is encouraged). The narrative is complimented by excerpts of key passages of Scripture and contemplative visual artwork. Physical ornaments of the images are also available to accompany the book.

The Shoot of Jesse provides you with everything you need to learn the story, teach the story, relive the story, and rejoice in the story of our great King Jesus, year after year.